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Writer: The Gardening TeamThe Gardening Team

The ingredients that make up the recipe for the #bestdayever are unique to everyone's taste. For me, this past Saturday at Bottle Hill Day in Madison, NJ certainly whipped up to be one of the most exceptional days we have had in a long time...the weather was perfect, the community was welcoming, friends came out to support us, we sold lots of books, we planted seeds for our workshops and most importantly our family was together doing something we absolutely LOVE!

Gardener Anna & Gardener Aidan with their #thefoxsquad

Gardener Aidan working the You Are a Gardener® Booth at Bottle Hill Day in Madison, NJ

Gardner Anna's Custom Made Fox Bracelets Were A Hit! To Special Order-Send Us An Email!

So Many Friends & Family Came Out To Support Us!

We Met Sooooo Many New Friends Who Are Going To Help Us Spread Some Seeds!

Thank You Madison, NJ & The Madison Main St. Foundation For Sponsoring Such A Wonderful Event! We Can't Wait For Next Year's Bottle Hill Day!


You Are a Gardener® is a movement dedicated to spreading seeds of positive change by nurturing emotional growth and resilience. Through our book, inspiring school assemblies, and the #PullYourWeeds® Blog, we provide tools to help gardeners of all ages turn life’s “weeds” (challenges) into “seeds” (opportunities for growth). Our blog offers engaging activities, mindfulness tips, and creative strategies to cultivate confidence, creativity, and calm every day. By fostering a mindset of positivity and self-awareness, You Are a Gardener® empowers families, educators, and communities to bloom together. 🌱✨

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