Hello Gardeners! On our brand new video segment 8 year old Gardener Aidan gets in the kitchen and shares his tips on how young gardeners can help out in the kitchen and make their own lunch. Cooking is a great way to keep kids focused, active and is an excellent confidence builder! Please share this video with your kids and send us your pizza party pics 📷🍕👨🍳 #KidsInTheKitchen

Recipe For An Easy Pizza Lunch
1. Base for your pizza (mini naan, english muffin, bagel, make your own dough)
2. Pizza sauce (substitute with a tomato, pesto or oil & salt)
3. Cheese (whatever flavor you like)
4. Have fun with the toppings, Gardener Aidan likes olives! Other suggestions, pepperoni, ham, peppers.
5. Pop in the toaster oven or over 5-7 minutes at 350 degrees.
Hey gardeners....what do you like to make in the kitchen? Send us some of your favorite, kid-friendly recipes to flowers@youareagardener.com and a chance to be featured on The #PullYourWeeds Blog.