Over the past year children have had to navigate new feelings, experiences and emotions which may have caused a lot of 'weeds'. Now more than ever kids need positive tools to help them identify, communicate and manage their emotions to help them move forward confidently and calmly. Today on the #PullYourWeeds® Blog we are sharing some easy tips on things we can do to help our kids gardens grow healthy and strong!

❀Embrace the power of the words flowers, weeds and seeds and introduce your kids to the You Are a Gardener® vocabulary and mindset.
❀Get inspired on our #PullYourWeeds® Blog. Engaging children with positive activities to keep them interested and engaged is a wonderful way to practice mindfulness.
❀Start a journal. Documenting your day is an excellent way for kids to identify their daily experiences and encounters. Journaling is also a way to help kids open up and get the conversations flowing.
❀ Booking a workshop or assembly for your school is a fun and interactive way to spread some seeds and help children embrace a positive mindset when it comes to managing stress and big emotions.
❀ Our Camp Hello Gardeners® & Hello Gardeners® video series are a wonderful way for kids to see other children and gardeners using the vocabulary and practices of our programs. They are also wonderful tools to use at home or in the classroom.
When Gardener Anna was only 8 years old she had the idea to start a video series where she and her brother, Gardener Aidan would help other kids 'pull their weeds and turn them into seeds' as well as a do a fun craft or mindfulness activity. She wanted to call the series Hello Gardeners®. Fast forward to 3 years later, Anna & Aidan have filmed over 20 episodes and even created a spinoff series, Camp Hello Gardeners®. At the root of it all, they recognize and empathize that everyone has 'weeds' and we all could use a little help pulling them out...especially kids.
We would love to feature you or your kids in our upcoming episodes of Camp Hello Gardeners®. If you or your child has a special skill or inspirational story that would help empower other kids with new 'gardening tools' please send us an email to flowers@youareagardener.com.
