Hello Gardeners!
It's been a minute since we've shared a #WeedsToSeeds story. We came across this movement based in Newberg, Oregon called the Don't Give Up Movement. Amy Wolff and her family did one simple thing - they placed 20 yard signs with supportive messages around their community. The response was overwhelming and soon people across the country and across the globe were buying her signs to spread the word.

You never know what someone might need to hear - and a simple sign that says "Don't Give Up" might be the one thing that person hasn't heard all week, all month, all their life. This movement reminds us that there are supporters and allies all around us. We may not know they exist all of the time, but a movement like this shows us they do!

Thank you so much to Amy & her family for planting this seed. We are in awe of how that small seed has spread so far and so wide - we can't wait to see how much farther it spreads!
All it takes is one small seed. If you have a way to pay it forward and spread kindness and love to others, know that there are people just waiting to help you spread the message.
If you get a chance, so the Don't Give Up Movement a little love by following their Instagram @dontgiveupsigns.

We'll leave you with one final thought, borrowed from the Don't Give Up website (because we love it so much!):