Our Virtual #PullYourWeeds® Workshops and Assemblies for elementary schools nationwide are guaranteed to change the way your students and staff manage stress and big emotions with empowering results!
Scroll down for more information about getting these programs in your school today!

✔︎ 50 to 500 Students (AGES 4-11)
✔︎ Live Virtual Program Runs 45 Minutes
✔︎ Book reading of You Are a Gardener®️ by the Author
✔︎ Book discussion on the power of flowers, weeds, and #pullyourweeds
✔︎ All visual aids/media branded and personalized for your school
✔︎ Introduce students to a mindfulness activity (aka a ‘gardening’ tool)
✔︎ A live guided drawing of our signature fox with the Illustrator
✔︎ Personalized Q & A
✔︎ All students will receive a You Are a Gardener®️ Certificate of Completion
✔︎ All staff will receive a digital You Are a Gardener® Activity Kit for their classroom
✔︎ Up to 25 Students (AGES 4-11)
✔︎ Live Interactive Workshop Runs 30 Minutes
✔︎ Book reading of You Are a Gardener®️ by the Author
✔︎ Book discussion on the power of flowers, weeds, and #pullyourweeds with visual aids/media
✔︎ Introduce students to a mindfulness activity (aka a ‘gardening’ tool)
✔︎ All students will receive a You Are a Gardener®️ Certificate of Completion
❀ For pricing & booking info please email flowers@youareagardener.com ❀

The need for bright, uplifting and empowering content for children is needed now more than ever! Get your school on our schedule today and BOOK NOW by emailing flowers@youareagardener.com.