Contact: Shanna Truffini
Email: flowers@youareagardener.com
Welcome To Camp Hello Gardeners®
A series of pre-recorded videos where kids will feel like they are actually at camp!
Morristown, NJ, June 2020- Shanna Truffini, author of You Are a Gardener® and creator of the hit video series Hello Gardeners® has just launched Camp Hello Gardeners®, an online camp for kids ages 4-12. With a lot of families choosing to be safe at home this summer and camps being closed or at limited capacity, Truffini wanted to bring camp right to your own living room.
Each camp session features a 25-30 minute, pre-recorded video with Truffini and her young children as camp counselors. Each video features 7-10 fun-filled activities to keep kids active, engaged and learning new skills. Activities include: arts and crafts, kid-friendly workouts, life skills, sensory activities, fun & games, mindfulness exercises, inspiring stories, music, imagination exploration, what's cooking & more!
The $55 camp package includes private access to 4 pre-recorded camp videos. Each session comes with a guide highlighting the activities and the materials campers will need. Anyone, anywhere can sign up at anytime and will have unlimited access to the Camp Hello Gardeners® videos. Visit www.youareagardener.com/camp-hello-gardeners to sign up today.
If you would like more information about Camp Hello Gardeners® or any of the You Are a Gardener programs please contact Shanna Truffini at flowers@youareagardener.com.