Gardeners let’s get ready to ‘chalk n roll’ this summer 😎 Sidewalk chalk is an amazingly fun, summer SEL 'gardening tool' that allows for hours of outdoor learning through play! There are so many simple and easy games you can create with just one piece of chalk that the whole family can enjoy! Scroll down for some gardener approved Sidewalk Chalk Games and Activities that will keep gardeners of all ages active, engaged and outside for hours!

Chalk Bullseye
Make a multi color bullseye with your sidewalk chalk and allocate points for each ring and bullseye. Grab a stone, wet sponge or a bean bag and start tossing!

Chalk Tic Tac Toe
Draw a classic tic tac toe board with your chalk and start marking your x's and o's!

Chalkboard Chess or Checkers
Make a grid with 8 squares by 8 squares, the same as a standard checkerboard. Grab your checkers or chess pieces or use some rocks!

Humongous Hopscotch
Our gardening team LOVES to make humongous's kind of our thing! Click here> to learn how to make one for yourself or check out the links below for a few we have made for some of our schools we have teamed up with!
Kings Road School > Click Here
Copper Hill School > Click Here
Califon School > Click Here
Gardener Anna's DIY Chalk Paint
No Chalk, No Problem-Learn how to make Gardener Anna's tie-dye chalk paint from Session 2 of Camp Hello Gardeners® watch the video and get the recipe --> Click here!
