Happy New Year gardeners! One of our favorite gardening tools to celebrate the beginning of a new year is a Vision Board. Making vision boards is a fun and helpful gardening tool for gardeners of all ages. They encourage creativity, goal setting, focus and fun with minimum materials needed. Hang your vision board in your room, office, on the fridge, or anywhere you pass by regularly. Dig deep when it comes to visualization; when you look at your board really take the time to really envision yourself doing the act or being or in that place or state of mind. Plant those seeds and watch them grow gardeners!
Here's what you'll need for your Vision Board:
-Piece of paper, poster board or bulletin board
-Cut out images of things you want to accomplish or dream of doing
-Glue, tape or pin images to your board
*Gardener' Aidan's tip: If you don't have magazines you can search for these things on a computer and print them out!

Visions boards are a wonderful social and emotional learning (SEL) tool to use at home and in the classroom. They provide gardeners (of all ages) with a daily visual reminder of our hopes and dreams. This visual tool can help us develop a mindset on how to reach and achieve those goals. It's all about planting those seeds!
Did you make a vision board? If so, congratulations, you just earned yourself the 'Vision Board' Gardening Tool Badge!
--> Click the badge to download a pdf sticker for your Gardening Tool Badge Collector Sheet!