Hello Gardeners!
Every day the sun is bright and the wind is blowing, we are finding ourselves outside enjoying it as much as we can! Today we are looking at crafts you can do outdoors - including this awesome Painted Stick Wind Chime. This is the perfect activity to get everyone involved. You can even take a walk together to find your sticks!

Here's what you will need:
Sticks of various sizes
Paint brushes
Painter's tape (optional)

First, gather up your sticks! I tend to think that larger ones make a better chime and I would gather no fewer than 4. Next, paint your sticks! I like using painter's tape to block off certain areas for different colors, but have your kids do what they'd like!
Then pick one string to be your hanger and the rest of your sticks will be hanging. Tie your hanging sticks - you can even wrap a larger portion of your stick if you want to create another color block!
Then, hang in a in a place where the wind can reach it and you've got yourself a beautiful wind chime!
We love this craft because it . . .
. . . encourages collaboration. Get your kids communicating, problem-solving, and working together!
. . . develops fine motor skills. Grasping a paint brush, ripping tape, and wrapping string gets all of those small hand muscles moving!
. . . exercises observation skills. Having the kids search for the right sized sticks helps them strengthen these skills.
Wherever you are get outside and get some fresh air! If you are looking for other crafts to get you outdoors, try our: