According to elementary school counselors & teachers there are some common concerns for the social and emotional impact that is occurring in the classroom. Now is the time to take a quick SEL assessment to find out what your school is in need of the most.
Take our 3 question quiz & scroll to the bottom to see your results!

-If you chose mostly A's- We recommend scheduling a demo of our #PullYourWeeds® SEL Workshops/Assemblies. Click Here to book now!
-If you chose mostly B's- We recommend emailing us at to request a packet on our SEL programs that can be implemented anytime, anywhere!
-If you chose mostly C's- We recommend booking a #PullYourWeeds® Assembly or Workshops for your school with free customized resources and activities for your staff to use in the classroom.
-If you chose mostly D's- We recommend contacting our gardening team at to create our customized 'One-Click SEL Program' for your school that works for your needs and budget!
Empowering children with skills (aka gardening tools) to help them mange their stress and uncomfortable feelings is at the root of all our Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs.
Our #PullYourWeeds® SEL Workshops & Assemblies for grades K-6 are a gentle, helpful and empowering approach to enriching the social & emotional values in your school.
The You Are a Gardener® Platform & Our SEL Programs Are Rooted In
✔︎Children embracing & understanding that they have the power to control the way they feel.
✔︎Empowering children with growth mindset tools and mindfulness activities.
✔︎Self-empowerment, self-compassion and confidence building.
✔︎Keeping the lines of communication open between children and trusted sources.
✔︎Strengthening and building positive conflict/resolution skills.
✔︎Encouraging empathy and responsible decision making.