Hello Gardeners!
Like most we've been thinking a lot about how to show support to the ones we love and the ones who are working tirelessly to keep all of us safe and connected. We would like to extend our gratitude and positive thoughts to healthcare workers, package and mail carriers, warehouse employees, sanitation employees, store clerks, teachers, truckers, farmers, military, and everyone else who cannot stay home. Thank you for keeping us healthy, well fed, connected, and happy!
Learning to show gratitude during a time when it's easy to focus on the negative is a skill that takes practice. Take some time out of your day to think about the people who support you or the experiences that you treasure, and the small things that make you smile. It's through small gestures - writing notes, distantly celebrating birthdays, helping out our neighbors, and coming together as a community for everyone to feel appreciated, supported, respected, and celebrated.
Over the remainder of this time at home, showing love and appreciation through small gestures can make a big impact on those around you.
