Hello Gardeners! Recently, our author #GardenerShanna and our illustrator #GardenerKelsey had the pleasure of attending the New Jersey Montessori Association Corporation (#NJMAC) Conference. Many of you might not know that alongside selling the book, we have lots of different programs that you can bring to your school. Whether you are looking for in-service hours for your educators, book readings for your students, or workshops for parents - we have you covered! It was so wonderful #SpreadingSeedsOfPositivity and showing the Montessori family how to incorporate the gardener mentality into their classroom.
We loved hearing keynote speaker #AlfieKohn speak about the importance of addressing the deeper meaning behind actions and behavior through communication - or what we would call pulling a weed!

This visit to the NJMAC Conference reminded us of Episode 5 of #HelloGardeners - where #GardenerAnna and #GardenerAidan visit their school, Long Hill Montessori, and spread seeds to their classmates! Gardener Shanna came to their classroom and read the book, demonstrated some conflict resolution scenarios, and every student went home with a Certified Gardener seed packet! We are so thankful to the Montessori Community for being so supportive of You Are A Gardener™ and for embracing the gardener lifestyle!
Check out some photos from the NJMAC Conference and if you are interested in bringing #YouAreAGardener to your school, be sure to email events@youareagardener.com.
Thanks for joining us today, and remember to #PullYourWeeds!