Next time you and your family want to cozy into a cup of hot cocoa, try swapping it for a delicious cup of Golden Milk aka Turmeric Tea! This delicious, healing and soothing beverage is loaded with health benefits! Turmeric Tea is known to be an immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, world-known remedy for cold, anti-allergic, memory improving, all thanks to curcumin, one of the main compounds of turmeric.
(Scroll Down For The Recipe & Our Official Golden Milk Gardening Tool Badge)

Golden Milk aka Turmeric Tea
1 Cup Milk Of Choice (we used almond)
1/2 TSP Of Turmeric
1 Dash of Cinnamon
1 Dash of Vanilla
1 Dash of Black Pepper*
1 Splash of Maple Syrup (or honey)
Heat milk until almost boiling, pour into blender, add all ingredients and blend for about 30-45 seconds. Pour into a cup & enjoy!
*The combination of pepper & turmeric increases the absorption of the key compound curcumin in your blood by up to 2,000%.

Gardener Aidan's Tip:
To make Tumeric Tea more
kid-friendly you can always try
adding 1/2 tsp of cocoa or cacao powder
& top it of with whip cream & sprinkles!

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