🌱🌺 Hello Gardeners 🌺🌱
Self-portraits can reveal so much about how we see ourselves. Do you draw yourself using the majority of the paper, with a big smile, in a pleasant setting? Having your students draw #SelfPortraits is a lesson in #ArtTherapy. Art therapy is the practice of using art to express and understand one's feelings. Using art therapy techniques in the classroom can be extremely beneficial not only for checking in with your students, but also providing them another route for reflection and expression.

Assign your students the task of drawing their self-portrait. Don't provide them with mirrors or photos of themselves, but encourage them to spend time reflecting on how they carry themselves, highlighting their best qualities, incorporating the emotions they feel currently, maybe asking them to draw themselves in a specific environment.

These self-portraits are not for grading, but review them! Take note of the students who may need to gain more confidence or the ones who really responded to this prompt! Repeat this activity and see how your students' confidence, self-awareness, and outlook shift throughout the year!