Feeling vulnerable is a common 'weed' that most gardeners experience at some point in their lives and can happen at all ages. It's rooted in feelings of uncertainty and feeling defenseless, which can be uncomfortable and frightening.
Here are some ways 'gardeners' may act when feeling vulnerable:
Feeling vulnerable can be a difficult 'weed' to navigate, but there are lots of helpful 'Gardening Tools' to help manage those feeling and help you 'Pull Your Weeds'!
Here are some 'Gardening Tools' to try to help with feelings of vulnerability:
-Learn a new skill
-Seek support from loved ones
-Gratitude exercises
-Exercise &physical activities
-Practice self-care
As gardeners, feeling vulnerable is a natural part of the human experience, and can pass with time. Be gentle with yourself gardeners and use your 'gardening tools' to help nurture and care for your emotional well-being.

Pull Your Weeds Blog Features: The Roots of Vulnerability & Helpful Gardening Tools