Adding positive & healthy 'gardening tools' to our emotional toolbox to help us manage stress & challenging emotions is what 'gardening' is all about. Start adding to your toolbox and collect your Gardening Tool Badges today. Click the arrow to learn more & download your free printable Collectors Sheet. Pick an activity/exercise that you to explore & dig in!
Schools out and Summer is ON. Keeping kids active and engaged in the summer can sometimes be a challenge. That's why today on the #PullYourWeeds® Blog we came up with our TOP 10 activities that are rooted in social emotional learning (SEL) to integrate into your summer fun!

#1 -DIY Journals- Journaling is a wonderful way to document your day and set some positive summer intentions. We've got 2 quick and kid-friendly DIY journals that are incredibly easy to make.
#2 -Make A Mix-Nothing screams summer like a solid playlist! There is something so nostalgic for children and adults alike when it comes to summer tunes. This summer make a playlist with your family full of all your favorite, upbeat songs! Some of our favorites include: Weatherman by Eddie Benjamin, I Lived by One Republic, American Kids by Kenny Chesney, Shotgun by George Ezra, Summer by Calvin Harris, Sunroof by Nicky Youre,
#3 -Get Cooking-Keeping mealtime a fun and engaging experience provides kids with a healthy foundation for future eating habits. Cooking together is a wonderful way to incorporate SEL values into your summertime meals! > Click here for some of our favorite, kid-friendly recipes like chia pudding, frozen berry bowls and donut French toast!

#4 -Write A Book-Creative writing is a wonderful form of self-expression. This summer try writing a book as a family. Discuss the plot, setting, characters and story line. Make an outline and start writing. For an added bonus design a copy of your book and have it printed!

#5- Outdoor Activities- Everyone loves outdoor activities that are fun for the whole family, especially ones that keep kids active and engaged for hours! Check out some of our favorites below:
#6- Get Crafty- Arts & Crafts are extremely beneficial when it comes to the social and emotional development of young gardeners. Exploring new activities that encourage children to create and use fine motor skills gives them a positive focus while using problem solving thinking.
>Click Here For Some Of Our Favorite Crafts like fox origami, flower fortune tellers, paper vases, stamped gardens and more fun!
#7- Learn a New Skill-Learn all about the benefits of Qi Gong and the importance of using grounding techniques. This is a wonderful activity for the entire family to enjoy. > Click Here for a quick intro to Qi Gong!
#8 - Make Your Own Shower Fizzers- Learn how to make your own stress relieving shower fizzers with Gardener Anna and Gardner Aidan and 16 year old entrepreneur Gardener Leah using only 3 simple ingredients. >Click Here to watch now and learn!

#9-Go On A Scavenger Hunt- Visit your local farmers market or park and create a scavenger hunt before you go! Some fun things you could put on your list are:
Something green, an animal, something colorful, flowers, weeds, a bee, a smooth rock, something you think look like a treasure...,
#10 - Positive Screen Time- Let's face it, we all need some downtime! Next time you and your kids are looking to relax and unwind with some positive screen time check out our Camp Hello Gardeners® videos featuring all sorts of fun activities like yoga, ice paint, DIY glitter playdough, fun learning exercises, games and more! For some positive screen time-Check Us Out On YouTube-Click Here
Have a super flowery summer gardeners!
Send us your sunny pics to!