Hello Gardeners!
There are a handful of plants that love to climb tall, spread their reach far & wide, and create strong woven networks by wrapping around itself. Have you ever seen them? They are called vines! When vines are healthy they can grow extremely large and very quickly.
What if the energy that fueled the growth of vines was kindness? Kindness spreads by sharing something thoughtful with a friend, helping a stranger, smiling when you walk down the halls, or encouraging a classmate. When we work together we create strong support systems, so let's give it a try?
What you'll need:
Colored pencils
Hole punch
Green yarn/ribbon/string
Copies of the leaf cutout below
Have your students write their kind moments on the leaf, color the leaves, and attach them to the string using the punch hole at the base of the cutout. Hang your vines of kindness throughout your classroom and watch the kindness spread!
Did you try this in your classroom? We would love to see the results! Email flowers@youareagardener.com or tag @youareagardener. Always remember to be kind to one another and don't forget to #PullYourWeeds!
HEY TEACHERS: We love to help spread SEL seeds in the classroom. Check out more free resources to use in your classroom here: CLICK HERE!
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