Search Results
33 items found for "origami"
- Bottle Hill Day 2022
We even had an origami station...One of our favorite 'go-to' gardeneing tools!
- Spreading Seeds of Self-Confidence ™ : 10 Quick Confidence Boosters
opportunities to engage in creative arts like painting, crafting, playing a musical instrument, or practicing origami Our fox origami is a quick and easy way to boost confidence-check it out!
- Bottle Hill Day Highlights
Kids loved our fox origami station this year! Just like gardeners, here are no two foxes alike!
- Get Your Gardening Tool Badges
Origami foxes-origami is a wonderful way to redirect thoughts to the present moment by creating an object
- Never underestimate the power of a seed...
They also loved the origami activity and can’t wait for another visit. We ended the workshop with one of our favorite 'gardening tools'-origami foxes!
- School Spotlight: Riverview Part 2
From fox origami to You Are a Gardener activity sheets, our signature flower fortune tellers to #PullYourWeeds
- Gardener Of The Week
(Try writing them on our origami tulips-Learn how by clicking here) -Have your GOTW bring something special
- Come Visit Us At Bottle Hill Day
mindset, introduce kids to an easy mindfulness activity and will finish off with a fun craft featuring origami
- Communication Is Key
. --> All you need is a pot or pail, a gardening marker or popsicle stick, post it notes or origami
- Feeling anti'social'?
(Make your own note cards like we did here with our mini origami foxes). 2.
- Fun, Fall, Fox Craft
some of our other favorite fox DIY projects click on the links below: Click Here to make our signature origami
- Making A Connection
signing your book over to Baylee, and the way you interacted with her in teaching her to make the fox origami